Originally published in Vanguard, November 1989 Print
AT THE 1989 Annual Conference of the National Front, held in the West Midlands at the end of September, CARALYN TAYLOR and TINA WINGFIELD were elected to the National Directorate, the governing body of the National Front. They are the first women to be elected to the Directorate for several years. Vanguard decided to ask them a few questions...
Vanguard: Congratulations on your elections to the Directorate. You're the first women to be so elected since 1983 - can you tell us why you think there are so few women at the top, in the National Front?
Tina: I think there are several reasons but two spring to mind. Firstly, the number of women represented on the Directorate must be in proportion to the number of active women within the Party. In the past although there have been many 'armchair' female members, because of the media's portrayal of the National Front as 'football hooligans', 'thugs' etc., women committed to actively pursuing their political ideals have dismissed us as being a credible vehicle for their achievement and joined other more established parties. In general, therefore, women who had been involved tended to become so on a secondary basis, through their husbands/boyfriends and consequently, although being helpful on a local level, perhaps didn't feel they were experienced enough or just weren't confident enough to stand for election. Secondly, if you look at the governing bodies of other political parties, it is apparent that disproportionate male representation is the norm. Politics, it would seem, is still very much a male domain.
Caralyn: Because there are so few women involved, those that are tend to lack confidence - they just don't have enough faith in their own political abilities. Female members have been brainwashed by male members into thinking that running the National Front is a 'job for the boys'. Another problem is that the media have portrayed the NF as a 'boys club' and in the past our internal organisation has tended to reflect this.
Vanguard: Was the fact that you were women a help or a hindrance to you when you stood for the NF's Directorate?
Caralyn: Definately a help - the majority of men in the party have come round to the view that it's time for a change, because the National Front is becoming more experienced in presenting itself as a viable political organisation representative of the British public as a whole.
Tina: A help in the sense that a woman, standing for election to an all-male body must, simply in originality, have an advantage.
Vanguard: Many political organisations, for instance the Labour Party, have special women's sections. Do you want to see a National Front Women's Section set up?
Tina: No. If the National Front needed a 'women's section' there would be something drastically wrong with our policies. Either you truly represent the interests of the British people or you do not. Women account for 50% of the British population and therefore a 'women's section' within any organisation which professes to hold the interests of the British people at heart is a contradiction in terms.
Caralyn: No. I feel this would be divisive. We would degenerate into having NF Ladies Coffee Mornings which would detract from the real issue - the cause of British Nationalism is a struggle for women and men together. I find talk of women's sections insulting. I say to the Labour Party - why not have a men's section?
Vanguard: Over the last two decades many feminist groups have seen the struggle for female equality as part of the same as that of 'equal rights for Blacks'; in short that 'anti-sexism' is part of the same fight as 'anti-racism'. Presumably as women in the National Front you don't agree?
Tina: No, because the concept of 'racial equality' in wholly different to that of 'sexual equality'. The sexes are 'equal' in that they share the same racial characteristics and cultural heritage. There may be some injustice with regard to opportunity because of their differing roles, but essentially they are complementary parts of one whole, one Race, whose interests run parallel to one another. 'Racial equality' differs in that the concept has no foundation in fact. Races are inherently 'unequal' because they do not share this common heritage. You need only consider the poor academic achievement of Blacks in comparison to Whites vis a vis their comparative excellence in athletics to see inherent inequalities in evidence. In short, then, the struggle for 'women's rights' is a legitimate factor being used to smokescreen an illegitimate and farcical concept.
Vanguard: How can women best get involved in the National Front and help the Nationalist cause?
Caralyn: They have got to get actively involved with their local branches - this doesn't just mean attending branch meetings and socials, but putting themselves forward as candidates for local committees, attending as many local activities as possible, being available to represent the party in elections etc. Only when we show that the National Front is truly representative of the British public can we expect majority support.
Vanguard: The National Front hasn't talked much about feminism and 'women's issues'. Should it have done?
Tina: I don't think 'feminism' has been specifically targetted for debate because it is unnecessary. There are so many definitions and interpretations of the term that it is now completely ambiguous. Also, if women within the Party feel that any particular policy is unjust or discriminatory their opposition can be argued either at Annual Conferences or through the pages of journals such as this. I'm sure Vanguard would be only too willing to publish articles along these lines if the need arises. I think there is as much need for the National Front to talk about 'women's issues' in particular as there is 'mens' issues', 'pensioners' issues' etc. As I stated with regard to womens' sections, a Party that is fully representative will debate and formulate policies that protect and benefit all sections of our society.
Caralyn: I think that - once again - when a political party starts to talk about 'womens' issues', it is on dangerous ground, because of the reasons I mentioned previously. Having said that, however, I don't think that the NF has broached the subject of 'womens' issues' for the reason that the Directorate has always consisted of men and they haven't been interested!
Vanguard: Isn't there a danger that women only get asked about 'womens' issues'? What do you see as the major political issues and what made you become involved in politics?
Tina: There is a degree of danger which I think arises from the lingering sense of novelty surrounding womens' involvement in politics. The obvious answer to this is for more women to consistently involve themselves in all aspects of political activity. It's interesting to note, actually, the substantially higher number of women drawn into active campaigning by environmental and social organisations such as the Greens, Animal Welfare, etc., in comparison to Establishment political parties. If this lends an insight into the female mentality, I think the increased involvement of women in mainstream politics will bring a refreshing mixture of practicality, common sense and compassion to present thinking.
In answer to why I became involved in politics, the key motivator was my opposition to multiracialism. Having been brought up in East London, I saw clearly the devasting effect mass immigration and enforced multiracialism was having on Britain and the British people. Most of our neighbours, and eventually my family, joined the 'White Flight' and retreated from the City into areas such as Essex. It soon became evident though that we could continue retreating until our backs were against the cliffs of Dover, and still we wouldn't escape the tide, so I and other members of my family joined the National Front.
Immigration, however, wasn't my only motivation. I was appalled at the mistreatment of everything that is fundamental to the wellbeing of the British Nation - its environment, the health and welfare of its people, our manufacturing industry, education system and national sovereignty. All of these I see as the major political issues. Through experience following my involvement with the National Front, I would now add another factor as a major issue. That of individual freedom of movement and free speech - greatly eroded by both the Race Relations Act and the revised Public Order Act.
Caralyn: In answer to the first part of your question, Yes - I think that there is a danger of that happening, i.e. one could be asked, "Do you think it would be a nice idea for all female members to organise an NF knitting class?" This happens in the Tory Party, certainly, but those women seem to be quite happy putting up with this patronising attitude.
In answer to the second part of the question, the bottom line surely with our Party is the fight for Race and Nation. The most important thing is to preserve our Race. I first became politically aware as a teenager and was incensed at the attitude of the media towards White Rhodesians and their struggle against Black Nationalism. I was always passionately against the IRA and their so-called Nationalism and have always supported the Loyalist Cause in Northern Ireland, although I freely admit that it wasn't until I first travelled to Belfast in 1982 that I really understood the situation over there.
Vanguard: What do you see as the prospects for Nationalism in the nineties and the NF in particular?
Tina: I think the prospects are good. Throughout Europe Nationalism is gaining status as a credible alternative to the failed ideologies of both Communism and Capitalism. The election of several Nationalist representatives to the European Parliament bears testimony to this and is a clear sign that Nationalism is beginning to break through the web of lies and misrepresentation weaved by the media.
For the National Front the opportunities are infinite. Britain and the British people are visibly beginning to choke on the stranglehold of a one-party dictatorship. The British people are desperately seeking an alternative. They have rejected Socialism as stagnant and Liberalism as laughable - consequently their options are clear - slow suffocation or Nationalism. Just how quickly this is transferred into actual electoral support for the National Front depends on us. We have to prove that we are capable of implementing the policies needed to revitalise Britain and consequently its people.
Carolyn: I think that the Conservative Party are here to stay for a very long time, let's face it, a lot of voters put their cross in the Tory box because they misguidedly feel that the Conservatives represent a patriotic force in this country. We know different, but eventually the Tories will dig their own grave and fall into it - especially as the racial problem accelerates and the EEC bankrupts us. We will gain power eventually - there's no doubt about it whatsoever, but we must wait and work towards this in the meantime.
Vanguard: What are your opinions on women politicians?
Caralyn: Tory politicians on the right are generally laughed at - the twin-set brigade - and, save Thatcher - aren't really taken seriously. I despair of the women in the Liberal/SDP/Alliance - I think of them all as opportunists and always will. As for the left, while I despise them for their politics, they are all firm in their beliefs, very idealistic and well-educated. They are, however, very hard and unfeminine generally and incredibly bigoted and follow the "no platform for racists" circus.
As for Thatcher, I do think she is a formidable woman, but she is so plainly insincere and an out and out internationalist and quite clearly will sacrifice what is best for this country for her own ambitions. I despise her and weep for what she has done - and will do - to Great Britain.